It may surprise you to learn that all men are at risk for erectile dysfunction. It can
affect very young or very old men. With a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of
medical problems a man should be able to maintain erections well into the 70’s or
beyond. However, age is certainly a factor that increases the chances of erectile
dysfunction occurring.
Most men will notice that their sexual drive decreases as they get older. It can start
to take longer to get an erection and it may not last as long as it did in the past. As a
person gets older they are at risk for more health problems which can result in these
changes. So staying as healthy as you can will help you to avoid problems with
erectile dysfunction.
Those men that fail to get annual check ups also have a greater risk. There are so
many health issues with erectile dysfunction as a symptom. Yet if you aren’t seeing
the doctor for check ups or when such signs start to exist you are only allowing the
condition to get worse. Men are far less likely to follow through with routine check
ups than women. They become increasingly important as you get older.
When you get medical treatment early on you may not have to take medications
daily. This is important because erectile dysfunction is often the result of the use of
certain medications. You don’t want to have to choose between taking them for your
health or being able to perform sexually.
There are some types of chronic health problems that are genetic in nature. Men that
have a family history of them have a greater risk of suffering from erectile
dysfunction. There are indications this can also be hereditary but most men aren’t
discussing this with their children. Therefore it is very difficult to get figures and
statistics to determine this or not.
There is a health condition called metabolic syndrome that can result in erectile
dysfunction. This condition is due to excessive fat in the belly region, high blood
pressure, and high cholesterol. Work with your doctor to keep such factors under
control and erectile dysfunction at bay.
Playing dangerous sports or being a risk taker can increase your risk of erectile
dysfunction. Sports such as wrestling and football should only be done with a
protective cup in place. Injuries to the spine and to the genital area can prevent the
proper blood flow to the penis needed for an erection to occur.
Statistics show men that ride a bicycle for long periods of time may end up with
erectile dysfunction due to the pressure from the bike seat. If you enjoy riding a bike
find out about replacing the standard seat with one specially designed. If you feel
any numbness in the penile area then you need to make changes or it could lead to
erectile dysfunction.
Poor lifestyle habits are a huge factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. If you
are overweight, drink excessively, smoke, don’t eat right, and you don’t exercise
regularly you have an extremely high chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
It is never too late to start making positive changes in these areas. Choose one area
and focus on it. Have a support system in place so that you can start to look and feel
much better. Your doctor can also help you devise a great exercise program.
Do your part to reduce the risks of being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Taking
care of your body will ensure your overall health is going to be very good. As a result
you will gain more benefits than just a satisfying sex life. There are many different
factors out there that can place you at risk for erectile dysfunction. Many of them
you can control so pay attention to the needs of your body.
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