Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How does Erectile Dysfunction affect Intimate Relationships?

Every intimate relationship out there is different. What brings people together is
quite interesting. So are the reasons that drive them apart. It may be hard to
understand how the issue of erectile dysfunction can affect an intimate relationship.
While most men don’t have any control over it occurring they can help the challenges
become something positive for the relationship.

A man has the choice of how he will handle his problem with erectile dysfunction.
However, he also has to realize when he is in an intimate relationship that it is also
going to have a profound effect upon his partner. Those men that choose to allow
their partner to help them with it can make the relationship much stronger. There is
always the possibility that the partner won’t stick around for the duration of the
problem to be worked out.

Yet that is true with any type of crisis including medical concerns in an intimate
relationship. It is easy to love someone and to have fun with them when things are
going well. The true test of the relationship is when the waters get rough. Many
couples may initially think that erectile dysfunction is the worst thing that could
happen for them. Yet the later discover it allowed them to make their relationship
much stronger.

Most partners do stick around to help out with the issue of erectile dysfunction. They
want to feel like they are a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem.
They are better able to understand mood changes too that the male may be
experiencing. It can be an opportunity for them to talk about the situation openly
and honestly.

When a couple isn’t able to focus on what goes on inside of the bedroom they have

to channel that energy in another direction. They can spend time doing other things
that they really enjoy with each other. It can help a couple to decide if they really do
want to be together. Hopefully they will discover they have much more in common
than just a desire to enjoy each other sexually.

This isn’t to say that the entire process of handling erectile dysfunction is going to be
easy. There are going to be many choices that have to be made along the way.
Being supportive and encouraging will be very important. The male will also have to
show his partner affection in other ways. Just because sexual activity isn’t taking
place like it once was doesn’t mean romance has to be a part of the past.

Many couples find that counseling can help them with their intimate relationship
when erectile dysfunction is a problem. It can also help them with other issues that
have been taking place in their relationship. Learning effective methods of
communication can be the key to a long and happy relationship between them.

When a couple is faced with the issue of erectile dysfunction it doesn’t have to be the
end of their relationship. They can use this opportunity to be supportive of each
other. They can work together to overcome the problem as it is going to affect both
of them. Some couples find that working through this subject actually make their
relationship better overall. They learn to appreciate each other in ways that they had
taken for granted over time. Getting back to the basics of their relationship often
helps two people discover how much they really care for each other.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Get the Support you need for Erectile Dysfunction

The biggest mistake that a man can make when he is suffering from erectile
dysfunction is keeping it to himself. Sure, it isn’t the type of thing you want to
discuss with everyone but getting support is a key way to make sure you don’t suffer
emotionally and physically from it. If you are in a serious relationship with someone
you need to tell them what is going on.

If the relationship is to continue they will be supportive of it. If they aren’t then it
isn’t a healthy relationship for you to continue. By sharing this information with your
partner they can be there for you. They can help you to relax when sexual activity is
in the works. By keeping your anxiety low about your ability to perform you will be
less likely to have problems. You can also work on other ways to be intimate in your
relationship so neither one of you are feeling frustrated or deprived.

You should have at least one friend or family member you feel comfortable
discussing erectile dysfunction with. They can help you to feel better about yourself
as well as listen to your concerns. Make sure you do trust this individual to keep your
information private. That way you won’t have anxiety about other people finding out
unless you decide to share that information with them.

Scheduling an appointment with your doctor is important. Don’t put this off as the
longer you let the issue of erectile dysfunction go the more serious it can become.
Most doctors out there are very well informed about erectile dysfunction. With so
many men suffering from it there is no doubt they have diagnosed many cases. If
you don’t want to discuss the issue with your regular doctor you can schedule an
appointment with a specialist.

Not every man out there considers their doctor to be a support system. Yet if you do

turn to them for it you will get plenty in return. They have plenty of great
information to offer that will help you realize you aren’t alone with your concerns
about erectile dysfunction. They will also work with you to find the right treatment
solution to get past the ordeal.

Seeing a therapist or a counselor can definitely offer you support when you are
dealing with erectile dysfunction. Your doctor will likely recommend it if your reasons
for the erectile dysfunction are emotional or psychological. Even if they are physical

in nature though you will find this to be a very good source of support for you. There
can be plenty of emotions involved with this issue when it is on a physical level as

The internet is a great place to get support for erectile dysfunction as well. Many
men like this resource as they can remain anonymous. There are online support
groups you can be a part of for free. Read stories from other men to learn all about
this particular health concern. You will realize you aren’t alone. You can also talk with
other men that have been through it or are going through it right now.

This is helpful because even with other types of support they don’t know what you
are going through. When you can share that with other people in the same situation
they can support you on a different level. You may be able to develop some great
friendships this way as well. It may be the issue or erectile dysfunction that
introduces you but in time you will discover other things you have in common that
you can bond together with.

There are many different ways to get support for erectile dysfunction. Do yourself a
favor and utilize at least one of them. The more support you have with erectile
dysfunction concerns the less of an impact it is going to have on your life.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction Statistics

It is estimated that approximately 30 million men around the world suffer from
erectile dysfunction. Only about half of them actually get it diagnosed though. Too
many others remain embarrassed by what has taken place so they hide it. They
don’t want to discuss with sexual partners or with medical professionals.

This means that 1 in 10 men out there have had to deal with this problem. There is a
common misconception out there that only older men suffer from erectile
dysfunction. However, it can affect men of all age groups. It may surprise you to
learn that only 40% of those diagnosed with erectile dysfunction are over the age of
40. While there is a higher risk of it occurring when a man gets older it isn’t the only
factor that leads to it.

There are certain medical concerns that can result in a man suffering from erectile
dysfunction. The most common one is diabetes. Statistics show that 50% of men
with diabetes also end up with erectile dysfunction. By taking the time to get your
diabetes under control though that risk is significantly reduced. Follow the directions
of your doctor and make sure you ask any questions you may have.

Smoking is also a significant factor that can impact erectile dysfunction. Studies
show men that smoke one pack per day have twice the chance of it occurring. If they
smoke more than that their chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction can triple.
For older men that smoke the risk of erectile dysfunction increases with each year
that passes for them.

More men are willing to admit they have problems with erectile dysfunction online or

with surveys where they don’t have to be identified. In those studies up to 56% of
the men in the survey admitted to some level of problem. However, the severity of it
couldn’t be identified from those reports. What could be determined though was that
there is a significant need for this type of treatment.

Of all the different treatments out there for erectile dysfunction, the one men are the
most familiar with is the use of prescription drugs. 89% of men said they would take
the chance with them to see if they worked if they were suffering from erectile
dysfunction. This is in spite of the known side effects, allergic reactions, and possible
health risks. Just about any man will tell you that his ability to perform sexually is a
key part of his life. This isn’t something most men are willing to give up without a

Each year more than 600,000 men are seen by medical professionals due to

problems with erectile dysfunction. That can indicate to the general public that more
men have it now than ever. The reality of it though is that with all of the educational
information out there the subject isn’t taboo any more. Men are seeking assistance
for their erectile dysfunction at a higher rate than ever before. They now know that
there are viable solutions available.

As more men begin to realize the importance of quality medical care for their erectile
dysfunction the statistics will be more reliable. We will be able to accurately measure
how large of a problem this really is in society. At the same time though we will also
be able to see how effective the various types of treatment for it are. The good news
is that more than 90% of men with erectile dysfunction can benefit from the various
treatment methods offered.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction Medications are very Popular on the Black Market

The black market is an umbrella term that involves where you can get your hands on
products that aren’t legal for you to have. In the case of erectile dysfunction
medications, those products are legal to use but only if you have a prescription. You
will find that you can get your hands on just about anything you want though
including those products. You will be paying a very high price for them though. This
is due to the demand for them as well as the risk the supplier takes to get them to

There are many different reasons why people decide to buy erectile dysfunction
medication on the black market. Many males are too embarrassed to discuss this
issue with their partner or with their doctor. So they turn to the black market to
provide them with a product that allows them to continue hiding the issue.
Some women buy erectile dysfunction medications on the black market for
themselves or for their partner. It is rumored that some of these medications can
help a woman have more intense orgasms due to the increased blood flow to the
genital area when she is aroused. The majority of them buy the products for their
partner to try. They figure if they get good results from it they will be encouraged to
go to a doctor to get a prescription for it.

The biggest risk takers though are those that have approached their doctor about
medications for erectile dysfunction. They may not be a good candidate for them due
to the overall health they are in. Some men aren’t physically in a condition to be
having sexual intercourse at all. Others have medical problems where taking such
products could be extremely dangerous.

Rather than heeding the advice of their doctor though they choose to use these

products any way. These men are often desperate to find a way to deal with their
erectile dysfunction. Putting their overall health at risk though can result in a heart
attack, stroke, or even death. If you do take such products and start to feel
symptoms that you aren’t doing well immediately inform medical staff what you
took. If you have other pills left over take them with you for evaluation.

Actually, any one that uses erectile dysfunction medications they purchase on the
black market is at risk. You don’t really know what they are selling you and so it may
not even be what you thought. It could also be a higher dose than your body is able
to handle which can result in very serious health issues occurring.

Most of the erectile dysfunction medications that are sold on the black market come
from Mexico according to the FDA. Some men have died from taking such products
as they weren’t healthy enough to do so. It is believed more deaths that are really
known occur due to this type of situation each year. Yet in many instances the death
is deemed to be due to the other health concerns that are discovered.

While buying erectile dysfunction medications on the black market can be tempting
you want to stay away from it. In addition to costing you too much money it really

isn’t worth the risk. The FDA has been getting tougher on such activities and you
never know where they will be performing sting operations. You don’t want to get
yourself into legal problems for purchasing these products illegally.

It is estimated that millions of dollars worth of erectile dysfunction medications are
sold annually on the black market. The true value of them can’t be determined
though because so much of it is hidden. These figures are estimated based on the
amount of money and product confiscated. However, it is also believed a large
amount of these erectile dysfunction medications are making it into the hands of
consumers desperate for them any way they can get them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction can cause Psychological Damage

It is very possible for a man suffering from erectile dysfunction to suffer
psychological damage. The longer the situation goes on the more difficult it can be
for them to recover from it. For many men, erectile dysfunction affects their self
esteem. The view they have of themselves as a man is dramatically changed. This is
often due to the fact that sexual behavior is such a big part of the focus in our

Some men fear that they may be homosexual when they suffer from erectile

dysfunction. Since not everyone out there is accepting of such a choice this can
result in emotional turmoil for them. As a result they continue to do all they can to
hide this particular situation in their lives.

A man that is afraid he can’t perform sexually is going to withdraw emotionally from
intimate relationships as well. In fact, some men start to fight with their spouse just
so they don’t have to deal with the real issue. For those men that aren’t in a serious
relationship, they avoid them. They may make excuses not to date so they aren’t put
into a situation where they have to attempt to perform sexually. Some men will blow
off wonderful women after a couple of dates so she doesn’t have a clue about his

A man can start to withdraw from people in other respects as well. The issue of
erectile dysfunction is going to continually be on his mind. As a result he may not
find pleasure in activities he once did. This can be sports, social gatherings, and even
his job. It may be gradual at first but then escalate into a more serious concern.
Some people may choose to remove themselves from the presence of a man
suffering from such psychological concerns. They may show emotions of anger and
their personality has changed. When that occurs other people may not feel
comfortable around them like they used to. As those relationships end it only
compounds the overall issue for these males.

Depression can result as a man continues to struggle with the physiological damage
from erectile dysfunction. This is a very serious psychological result of erectile
dysfunction. For some men it can even go to the point where they consider suicide.

Keeping the real problem hidden becomes a significant burden that they just get
tired of trying to deal with day after day. It can take a long time to get to this point
so identifying the problem early one can prevent it.

When a man is psychologically damaged due to erectile dysfunction it can lead to
health problems. He may not be sleeping like he should or eating properly. It is also
possible that alcohol or drugs are being used to help lessen the feelings associated
with the real concerns. This in turn is only going to create more problems in his life.
Some men end up losing their partner or their family over the psychological damage
caused from erectile dysfunction. This is generally due to their unwillingness to share
what is really going on with that person. Yet they may view it is their partner left
them due to the inability to get an erection. Most partners are very supportive of
such concerns if they are included in the discussion about it.

It is very important for men to realize they aren’t alone when they suffer from
erectile dysfunction. It isn’t a determination of who they are as a man or as a
person. Getting early assistance from medical professionals can help to offset the
psychological damage from erectile dysfunction. It may be necessary for counseling
to take place in order for a man to get back into a healthier frame of mind.

The more information men have about the causes of erectile dysfunction the more
likely they will be to seek help. Suffering from the psychological damage it can cause
isn’t healthy for a person. It can create an array of negative problems for them to
deal with in their daily life. Knowing there is help for erectile dysfunction means they
may not have to deal with them.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Emotional and Psychological Problems can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

For many men out there, erectile dysfunction isn’t the result of any health problem
with their body. Instead it is the result of emotional or psychological problems they
are experiencing or have experienced in the past. This makes sense because in order
for a man to get an erection signals must be sent to the nerves from the brain. If the
messages there aren’t what they should be the end result will not be what he had in

Stress is a huge factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. It can be hard to
concentrate on the enjoyment of sexual activities when you have too much on your
plate. While we can’t eliminate all of the stress from our lives we can certainly
reduce plenty of it. Take a serious look at your life. If you continue to have too much
stress due to work, finances, relationships, or other concerns you need to find

Some men feel that there is too much pressure on them to perform sexually. They
may really want to be with someone but have low self esteem. As a result of that
they have too much anxiety about how they will perform in the eyes of the other
person. Such expectations can result in erectile dysfunction. Some males have been

belittled by previous partners so they aren’t confident in their abilities to satisfy the
person they are with now.

Being completely worn down can result in erectile dysfunction. Some people view
this as a physical problem but it doesn’t always fit that profile. It is possible for a
man to be mentally exhausted. This is most common when a serious situation has
taken place. For example the emotions that come with the loss of a loved one, a
divorce, or even the loss of their job. Depression can also result in a man suffering
from erectile dysfunction.

Being sexually abused as a child can have life long effects on a man. Sometimes
these events are known but buried into the subconscious. As the male becomes of
age when he starts to take part in sexual activity they can become an emotional
response. Anxiety and guilt can be associated with the excitement of it. As a result
they may not be able to maintain an erection. This is going to be a very difficult type
of experience to overcome but it can be done.

Some males are raised in an environment that tells them it isn’t proper to have
sexual intercourse unless they are married. Those values may be instilled by the
family or as part of their religious beliefs. Either way it can create a psychological
dilemma for them to deal with. Even if they don’t realize that internal conflict is
present, it can result in erectile dysfunction occurring.

Talking to a therapist or a counselor can help you to identify the various emotional
and psychological problems that are causing the erectile dysfunction. A man needs to
be very open to this type of assistance. He also needs to be patient because it can
take time for results to occur. Being able to explore inner thoughts and feelings

though can be rewarding in a number of ways.

For some men, counseling with their partner is the best course of action. The
problems with erectile dysfunction may be due to that relationship. For example
some men aren’t able to get or maintain an erection after they discover their partner
has cheated on them. They may have repressed anger for other aspects of the
relationship that aren’t being shared yet either.

The idea that emotional and psychological problems can be responsible for erectile
dysfunction is very important. An appointment with your doctor can help to rule out
any physical problems that may be responsible. An assessment is often given to help
determine if it is a mental concern that needs to be looked at. Following the advice of
your doctor in this area can help you get your sex life as well as other elements of
your world into a more positive position.