It is estimated that approximately 30 million men around the world suffer from
erectile dysfunction. Only about half of them actually get it diagnosed though. Too
many others remain embarrassed by what has taken place so they hide it. They
don’t want to discuss with sexual partners or with medical professionals.
This means that 1 in 10 men out there have had to deal with this problem. There is a
common misconception out there that only older men suffer from erectile
dysfunction. However, it can affect men of all age groups. It may surprise you to
learn that only 40% of those diagnosed with erectile dysfunction are over the age of
40. While there is a higher risk of it occurring when a man gets older it isn’t the only
factor that leads to it.
There are certain medical concerns that can result in a man suffering from erectile
dysfunction. The most common one is diabetes. Statistics show that 50% of men
with diabetes also end up with erectile dysfunction. By taking the time to get your
diabetes under control though that risk is significantly reduced. Follow the directions
of your doctor and make sure you ask any questions you may have.
Smoking is also a significant factor that can impact erectile dysfunction. Studies
show men that smoke one pack per day have twice the chance of it occurring. If they
smoke more than that their chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction can triple.
For older men that smoke the risk of erectile dysfunction increases with each year
that passes for them.
More men are willing to admit they have problems with erectile dysfunction online or
with surveys where they don’t have to be identified. In those studies up to 56% of
the men in the survey admitted to some level of problem. However, the severity of it
couldn’t be identified from those reports. What could be determined though was that
there is a significant need for this type of treatment.
Of all the different treatments out there for erectile dysfunction, the one men are the
most familiar with is the use of prescription drugs. 89% of men said they would take
the chance with them to see if they worked if they were suffering from erectile
dysfunction. This is in spite of the known side effects, allergic reactions, and possible
health risks. Just about any man will tell you that his ability to perform sexually is a
key part of his life. This isn’t something most men are willing to give up without a
Each year more than 600,000 men are seen by medical professionals due to
problems with erectile dysfunction. That can indicate to the general public that more
men have it now than ever. The reality of it though is that with all of the educational
information out there the subject isn’t taboo any more. Men are seeking assistance
for their erectile dysfunction at a higher rate than ever before. They now know that
there are viable solutions available.
As more men begin to realize the importance of quality medical care for their erectile
dysfunction the statistics will be more reliable. We will be able to accurately measure
how large of a problem this really is in society. At the same time though we will also
be able to see how effective the various types of treatment for it are. The good news
is that more than 90% of men with erectile dysfunction can benefit from the various
treatment methods offered.
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