There doesn’t seem to be as much hype about the erectile dysfunction medication
Levitra as there is for Cialis and Viagra. This leads some to believe it isn’t as effective
of a treatment. Yet when you take the time to find out all about it you will discover
that Levitra has plenty to offer. Many men that use it also get exceptional benefits so
they continue to use it.
The starting dose of Levitra for erectile dysfunction is 2.5mg. If this isn’t enough to
help you then the dose can be increased to a level that does work for you. Starting
with a low dose helps you and your doctor to discover how your body is going to
react to this type of medication. The maximum dose offered is 20 mg. A man should
not take more than one dose of Levitra in a 24 hour period. This particular
medication has been approved by the FDA for use to fight erectile dysfunction.
Many men have found they can successfully get and maintain an erection with the
use of Levitra. Even if they haven’t been able to do so with other similar types of
medications. If you have used such medications without success don’t give up. It is
important to realize that they are all similar but there is enough differences to make
it worth your while to try Levitra.
It is normal for a man to be able to get an erection within 30 minutes of taking
Levitra. Many men also report their erections are firmer and last longer than they
used to. These types of benefits aren’t usually found with other types of medications
offered for erectile dysfunction. These are additional benefits that often encourage
men to give Levitra a try.
While Levitra can help with erectile dysfunction there are some common side effects
associated with it. They include headaches, nausea, and muscle pain. These side
effects are normal and should subside as time goes by. If you experience blurred
vision, loss of hearing, or you pass out then stop taking Levitra immediately. You
also want to talk to your doctor about it immediately.
It isn’t safe for men that take nitrates to use Levitra. Nitrates are a category of
medications often prescribed for heart problems and chest pain. When these two
types of medications are combined it can result in the person’s blood pressure
dropping to unsafe levels. As a result the person is at a very high risk for a heart
attack or a stroke to occur.
Men that use alpha blockers for their prostate should also avoid using Levitra. Your
doctor will have to evaluate your overall health to find out if you have other health
problems that could be a problem. They include heart problems, diabetes, high blood
pressure, and high cholesterol.
However, having such health concerns doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t use
Levitra. As long as your diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are
under control you may still be a good candidate. You should expect your doctor to
continue following up with these health concerns thought to be sure you are doing
your part to control them as effectively as possible.
This is a type of medication for erectile dysfunction that can often be taken along
with medications for those types of problems. The two won’t interact with each other
so you don’t have to choose to care for your medical concerns or to be able to
experience a happy and healthy sex life.
Levitra has proven to be a very effective medication for erectile dysfunction.
However, it isn’t right for all men to take. You should talk to your doctor about it to
determine if this particular medication can benefit you. There is no reason for you to
continue suffering from erectile dysfunction when there are great treatments out
there including Levitra.
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