There are certain drugs out there offered by doctors to effectively treat erectile
dysfunction. The top ones used are Viagra, Cialis, and Levetria. The use of such
medications for this medical concern is a billion dollar industry. When other causes of
erectile dysfunction can’t be ruled out this type of treatment can help a man to be
able to engage in sexual activity again.
There are many different reasons why these types of drugs are so effective. While
they can be injected into the penis, the most common and convenient way to
consume them is orally. These types of medications are known as PDE inhibitors.
This accomplishes a couple of different things. The fact that a man can get an
erection within 30 minutes of taking such drugs is very important for them.
When a man takes a PDE inhibitor the body is able to use nitric oxide to relax the
muscles in the penis. This means that blood is able to rapidly flow into the area like it
needs to for an erection to occur. It also blocks the enzymes that can result in the
penis going flaccid again. As a result many men report they get an erection that is
harder and lasts longer than before.
Men love the fact that they have to be mentally or physically stimulated in order to
get an erection when they take such medications. They don’t have to worry about
walking around with an erection just because they are taking such medication. Many
of these drugs give you a good window of time for sexual activity to take place too.
That way you don’t have to schedule it which can take a great deal of adventure out
of the act.
The FDA has very strict guidelines in place for the medications used for treating
erectile dysfunction. A complete evaluation of the male has to be done by their
doctor. This way it can be determined if they are a good candidate for it or not.
There are some types of health concerns that render a man physically unfit to
engage in sexual activity. Those individuals won’t be given a prescription for such
A complete evaluation is given to try to identify what the cause of the erectile
dysfunction is before such medications are offered. It is believed these guidelines
have encouraged very high success rates for these types of drugs. Men that don’t
need such medication aren’t getting it. Those that aren’t healthy enough or that take
other types of medications such as nitrates also aren’t prescribed it.
There has been plenty of research about the effectiveness of these types of drugs for
erectile dysfunction. There is a very high success rate out there for men from all
backgrounds. This suggests that these types of medications are going to be around
for a very long time. Even though there are some side effects with them most men
agree that is better than not being able to have sexual intercourse at all.
Ongoing research and development continues with drugs for erectile dysfunction.
That way men can get the most benefits from them. At the same time some of the
side effects and inconvenience can be offset. You can be sure there will be significant
advancements in these types of drugs in the future. The vast market for them is
simply too large for the needs to be ignored.
All About Erectile Dysfunction
Comprehensive information on erectile dysfunction. Whatever you need to know about erectile dysfunction such as the causes, symptoms, medication, remedies, treatments, natural cures, etc.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Who is at Risk for Erectile Dysfunction?

It may surprise you to learn that all men are at risk for erectile dysfunction. It can
affect very young or very old men. With a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of
medical problems a man should be able to maintain erections well into the 70’s or
beyond. However, age is certainly a factor that increases the chances of erectile
dysfunction occurring.
Most men will notice that their sexual drive decreases as they get older. It can start
to take longer to get an erection and it may not last as long as it did in the past. As a
person gets older they are at risk for more health problems which can result in these
changes. So staying as healthy as you can will help you to avoid problems with
erectile dysfunction.
Those men that fail to get annual check ups also have a greater risk. There are so
many health issues with erectile dysfunction as a symptom. Yet if you aren’t seeing
the doctor for check ups or when such signs start to exist you are only allowing the
condition to get worse. Men are far less likely to follow through with routine check
ups than women. They become increasingly important as you get older.
When you get medical treatment early on you may not have to take medications
daily. This is important because erectile dysfunction is often the result of the use of
certain medications. You don’t want to have to choose between taking them for your
health or being able to perform sexually.
There are some types of chronic health problems that are genetic in nature. Men that
have a family history of them have a greater risk of suffering from erectile
dysfunction. There are indications this can also be hereditary but most men aren’t
discussing this with their children. Therefore it is very difficult to get figures and
statistics to determine this or not.
There is a health condition called metabolic syndrome that can result in erectile
dysfunction. This condition is due to excessive fat in the belly region, high blood
pressure, and high cholesterol. Work with your doctor to keep such factors under
control and erectile dysfunction at bay.
Playing dangerous sports or being a risk taker can increase your risk of erectile
dysfunction. Sports such as wrestling and football should only be done with a
protective cup in place. Injuries to the spine and to the genital area can prevent the
proper blood flow to the penis needed for an erection to occur.
Statistics show men that ride a bicycle for long periods of time may end up with
erectile dysfunction due to the pressure from the bike seat. If you enjoy riding a bike
find out about replacing the standard seat with one specially designed. If you feel
any numbness in the penile area then you need to make changes or it could lead to
erectile dysfunction.
Poor lifestyle habits are a huge factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. If you
are overweight, drink excessively, smoke, don’t eat right, and you don’t exercise
regularly you have an extremely high chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
It is never too late to start making positive changes in these areas. Choose one area
and focus on it. Have a support system in place so that you can start to look and feel
much better. Your doctor can also help you devise a great exercise program.
Do your part to reduce the risks of being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Taking
care of your body will ensure your overall health is going to be very good. As a result
you will gain more benefits than just a satisfying sex life. There are many different
factors out there that can place you at risk for erectile dysfunction. Many of them
you can control so pay attention to the needs of your body.
Friday, January 28, 2011
What to Expect with an Evaluation for Erectile Dysfunction

With the educational information out there about erectile dysfunction many men are
realizing they can do something about it. The first step it is to schedule an
appointment with your doctor. You should be comfortable enough with this person to
talk about the issue.
Remember that they are professionals and they deal with similar cases all the time.
A man can have plenty of anxiety waiting for that appointment to take place.
Knowing what to expect with the evaluation though can help to reduce the stress of
the unknown. If you don’t have a regular doctor then start looking for one that has a
great reputation.
You need to understand that there are many different reasons why erectile
dysfunction occurs. Therefore the evaluation isn’t going to be rushed though. You will
be subjected to a complete physical exam. You will also need to answer a lengthy
questionnaire. It is going to cover many aspects including your health history, family
medical history, medications you use, lifestyle habits, and sexual habits.
You will also be asked about your stress levels and mental health because those
factors can result in erectile dysfunction as well. Make sure you are 100% honest
with your doctor during all of this. That way they help you get passed this issue. For
example if you take illegal drugs or even those prescribed for someone else you need
to tell them about it.
The physical exam is part of the overall evaluation that many men don’t like. This
process involves touching the penis in a variety of ways. This is done so the doctor
can find out how sensitive it is to touch. The problem could be with the messages
getting to the nerve endings and this process allows your doctor to evaluate that
Sometimes there can be physical characteristics in the genitals that indicate an
injury or that the hormones in the body are out of balance. Some men have a curved
penis which can make it harder to get and maintain an erection normally. Signs of
welling in various areas of the body can indicate that circulation isn’t what it should
be. That is important because poor circulation can prevent blood from flowing to the
Blood will be taken to test for various types of medical problems. In most instances it
is only one tube that needs to be extracted from the body. This blood will be
transferred to a lab for evaluation. Within a couple of days your doctor will have
those results back to share with you.
If your questionnaire indicates that you may have some type of psychological
problem that affects your ability to get an erection it will be examined further. Your
doctor may want to ask you a series of questions that can help to identify if you need
to be referred for counseling. Once again you need to be very honest with your
answers to such questions. Otherwise the true cause of the erectile dysfunction may
not be discovered.
Some doctor’s will go as far as to have your erections at night monitored. This can
be done by a sexual partner or at a clinic. If you are able to get and maintain an
erection as you sleep then it does indicate physiological factors are at the root of the
problem. It will rule out a physical ability to get an erection.
It is your right to ask questions as you are being evaluated for erectile dysfunction.
If you don’t feel comfortable with what is taking place speak up. Have your doctor
explain what is taking place and why it is necessary. Too many men are intimidated
at the doctor’s office though and they don’t stand up for their needs.
By knowing what should be taking place with an erectile dysfunction evaluation you
will be more prepared for the process and ready with your questions. The process
isn’t painful and it can help you to get the right treatment you need in order to enjoy
sex again.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a type of medical concern for men as they aren’t able to get or
maintain an erection. They may mentally want to be able to engage in sexual
activities but their body isn’t responding. In order for a man to be able to obtain and
maintain an erection there has to be an increase of blood flow to the penis. There are
many different reasons why this won’t be possible.
The issue of erectile dysfunction has long been one that has concerned men. Women
are bothered by it as well because it can affect their sex life as well. Many women
blame themselves when their partner isn’t able to get an erection. They feel that
they are undesirable or that there are deeper problems within the relationship. It can
be embarrassing for men to talk about their problems in this particular area.
There is more information out there now about erectile dysfunction though. Men are
being educated that it isn’t a sign that they aren’t masculine. Understanding that
there are many other men out there with the same problem can be encouraging
enough for them to seek medical assistance. Most doctors have dealt with the
problem of erectile dysfunction for a very long time. They are able to assess the
situation and help a man get the right treatment to remedy the situation.
It is normal for a male to occasionally not be able to get or maintain an erection.
There should be no reason for alarm unless the problem continues to repeat itself.
The medical definition of erectile dysfunction is that the male is unable to get an
erection ¼ of the time or more. There is a myth that a man suffering from erectile
dysfunction can never get an erection.
This isn’t true but the fact that he may not be able to often hinders many of them
from attempting to perform. The problem may be either physical or psychological.
However, when the problem occurs it can result in additional problems occurring. For
example if the reason is physical it can result in anxiety and stress for the male
which means there are now physiological factors present as well.
Erectile dysfunction can be very upsetting to men from all walks of life. This isn’t just
something that affects older males either. A high percentage of young men in their
20’s and 30’s also have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. It doesn’t have to
be something you choose to live with though. Find out what your options are so you
can start enjoying a very satisfying sex life once again.
If you don’t want to discuss erectile dysfunction with your own doctor there are
many great specialists out there. Take the time to do your own research about them.
The internet is a great place to get feedback from other patients. You should also
check their record with the medical board to see if any complaints have been filed
against them by other patients.
It is important to put your personal feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment aside.
There is plenty of help out there for those men with erectile dysfunction. The sooner
you seek it the happier you will be. Be willing to work with your doctor as well to find
the right treatment for you. It may take some experimenting with various types in
order to get the situation under control.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Viagra can help you to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

When most people think of medication for erectile dysfunction, Viagra is what comes
to mind. It has been the top selling product for this problem since it was introduced
in 1998. It is believed to be effective for at least 80% of men that take it. This
particular medication is heavily advertised on TV and in magazines. Quite a few
doctors also encourage their patients to take it.
It used to be taboo to talk about erectile dysfunction or the use of it. Now you will
find many men are willing to provide their own testimonials in order to endorse such
a product. There are many of these types of statements found all over the internet.
Men want to help others that are in the same situation that they once were.
Promoting Viagra is one way they are able to do so.
There are many different dosage offers of Viagra. Your doctor will start you out with
the lowest possible dose which is 20 mg. This way you can see how your body
responds to it. The dose can be increased until you are getting the desired results
from it. The highest dose is 100 mg and if that doesn’t help you with the erectile
dysfunction Viagra may not be a good choice of medications for you to use.
Viagra is very effective and most men will find they can get a full erection within 30
minutes of taking it. This is a type of medication for erectile dysfunction that you
only take when you are ready for sexual activity to take place. Since there is no cure
for erectile dysfunction if there isn’t a medical link, using Viagra can be the next best
thing. It can help a man to have a very satisfying sex life once again.
One of the downsides with Viagra though are the health concerns. Not everyone is a
good candidate to take it. If you have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, or
diabetes it isn’t the right type of treatment for you. There are also some harsh side
effects that some men experience. They should go away in a couple of weeks but if
they don’t you may need to try another medication.
Never take Viagra for erectile dysfunction without the consent of your doctor. Don’t
be tempted to buy it on the black market or to take pills prescribed for a friend. Talk
openly and honestly with your doctor about your erectile dysfunction and they can
help you to find the right treatment. Before your doctor will offer a prescription for
Viagra though you will need to undergo a physical evaluation.
You will also be required to complete an assessment. This will help your doctor to
rule out physical and psychological issues that may be causing the erectile
dysfunction. They don’t want to prescribe Viagra for you when that isn’t really what
is going to help you. Medical problems that don’t get recognized will only continue to
get worse.
There are other types of medications out there for erectile dysfunction as well.
However, Viagra continues to be a name that men know and trust. This particular
product helped to open up opportunities for those suffering from erectile dysfunction.
It has also paved the way for other types of similar medications to follow. Billions of
dollars worth of Viagra are sold annually even with these other products now on the
market to compete with.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Many men that suffer from erectile dysfunction feel that it is the end of the world.
They aren’t accepting the fact that they aren’t going to be able to continue the
sexual activities that they enjoy. Many men also define who they are by their sexual
abilities so it can have a profound effect on their self image as well. Yet there are
many great treatment options available for men with erectile dysfunction. That way
it doesn’t have to be so disruptive to their life.
The treatment option that is right for you will depend on what is causing the erectile
dysfunction. A complete physical and assessment with your doctor will help you get
things on the right track again. If it is determined you have a medical concern then
efforts have to be made to resolve it. There are too many different medical problems
to mention that have erectile dysfunction as a symptom. By taking care of them
though your ability to maintain an erection will return.
Your doctor may connect the erectile dysfunction with current medications you are
taking. As a result they may need to be changed or the dose modified. Too many
men assume that they aren’t going to be able to have sexual intercourse if they take
the prescribed medication they are on. They decide to stop taking it without
discussing it with their doctor. This can result in very serious health issues for you so
don’t go this route.
Various types of injuries can occur to the area surrounding the penis. Many of them
are related to sports incidents. Others are the result of car accidents or even being
beaten up. Surgery may need to take place in order to repair as much of the damage
as possible. Your doctor will be able to give you the prognosis after fully examining
you internally and externally in that area.
You emotional health can result in erectile dysfunction. That is why you need to be
very honest with the answers on your assessment. It could be that stress, not
getting enough sleep, anxiety, or even hidden feelings against your partner could be
the cause. Counseling is a very effective type of treatment for this type of problem.
It can help a man overcome the obstacles that are preventing him from having a
healthy and happy life.
It is no secret that many individuals in our society have poor lifestyle habits. These
can result in a man not being able to get an erection as well. If you are overweight
you need to work with your doctor. A combination of exercise and a balanced diet
can help you to lose those unwanted pounds. It can also result in your ability to
naturally get and maintain an erection returning. Many men find that this also occurs
when they stop smoking.
The most known type of treatment for erectile dysfunction is the use of medication.
This is only offered though when other causes of it have been ruled out. These types
of medications have been proven to be very effective. You take them in a specific
time frame before you want to engage in sexual activity.
They seem to get great results too but there are some known side effects. Your
doctor can help you determine if such medications could be a viable treatment for
your erectile dysfunction. Find out what they different types of erectile dysfunction
mediations can offer you. They don’t all work the same and you may not be a good
candidate for some of them based on your overall health.
It is important to realize that treatment options are available for erectile dysfunction
regardless of your age. It also doesn’t matter if this is something you have struggled
with for a long time or a new problem. Be very honest with your doctor with the
assessment so that they can correctly identify the cause of your erectile dysfunction.
That way you can benefit from the right treatment option for you.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Use of Irexis for Erectile Dysfunction

Irexis is a herbal supplement that is commonly used for erectile dysfunction. Many
men have turned to it because they don’t want to rely on prescription medications.
They may not want to discuss their erectile dysfunction with a doctor or anyone else.
You can get Irexis from a health food store or online without any written instructions
by a doctor.
The main ingredient found in Irexis is Yohimbe extract. It has been used for many
centuries as a natural aphrodisiac for men. This ingredient is mainly grown in Africa.
It also contains Tribulus Terrestris which is a plant found in many locations in the
world. It naturally helps to increase a man’s sex drive.
The fact that the various prescription medications for erectile dysfunction are so
expensive is another reason why men use Irexis. With the increased cost of
everything else out there these days many people just don’t have tons of money
sitting around. They can’t justify paying for expensive medications for erectile
dysfunction when food and fuel are really taking a toll on the family budget.
There is no argument that most of the prescription drugs out there do work for
erectile dysfunction. However, there can be some very harsh side effects. They
include nausea, headaches, upset stomach, muscle aches, and more. A man can also
be allergic to them which can result in a heart attack, stroke, or the inability to
With the use of Irexis for erectile dysfunction you can avoid all of those problems.
Since all of the ingredients are natural there is no risk if any of these problems
occurring. There are some additional benefits as well. If you suffer from a low libido
the use of Irexis will enhance it. This particular herbal supplement can also help your
body produce more testosterone. That can make your semen production higher as
well. Many men take it when they are trying to conceive a child.
Most men also claim that the use of Irexis for erectile dysfunction gives them more
stamina as well. As a result they end up having a more interesting and enjoyable sex
life than they did before. For a man that had his self confidence blow away due to
erectile dysfunction, this can help him to get it back.
Irexis works fast too as most men find they can take it and have a full erection
within 30 minutes or less. It is recommended to take it every day though instead of
just when you want to have sexual activity. It won’t result in a man walking around
with an erection though when he isn’t taking part in sexual stimulation.
If you suffer from erectile dysfunction you may discover the use of Irexis is very
helpful. Even though you can get it without consulting a doctor it is a good idea to
see one. You can let them know your decision to use this particular herbal
supplement. The reason why you should see a doctor is because there are many
health reasons that can lead to erectile dysfunction.
You want to make sure you don’t have other health concerns that need taken care
of. You also need to make sure you are healthy enough to take part in sexual
activities. If you are taking care of your overall health, then Irexis may be able to
help you get your sexual abilities back. It is worth looking into!
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