With the educational information out there about erectile dysfunction many men are
realizing they can do something about it. The first step it is to schedule an
appointment with your doctor. You should be comfortable enough with this person to
talk about the issue.
Remember that they are professionals and they deal with similar cases all the time.
A man can have plenty of anxiety waiting for that appointment to take place.
Knowing what to expect with the evaluation though can help to reduce the stress of
the unknown. If you don’t have a regular doctor then start looking for one that has a
great reputation.
You need to understand that there are many different reasons why erectile
dysfunction occurs. Therefore the evaluation isn’t going to be rushed though. You will
be subjected to a complete physical exam. You will also need to answer a lengthy
questionnaire. It is going to cover many aspects including your health history, family
medical history, medications you use, lifestyle habits, and sexual habits.
You will also be asked about your stress levels and mental health because those
factors can result in erectile dysfunction as well. Make sure you are 100% honest
with your doctor during all of this. That way they help you get passed this issue. For
example if you take illegal drugs or even those prescribed for someone else you need
to tell them about it.
The physical exam is part of the overall evaluation that many men don’t like. This
process involves touching the penis in a variety of ways. This is done so the doctor
can find out how sensitive it is to touch. The problem could be with the messages
getting to the nerve endings and this process allows your doctor to evaluate that
Sometimes there can be physical characteristics in the genitals that indicate an
injury or that the hormones in the body are out of balance. Some men have a curved
penis which can make it harder to get and maintain an erection normally. Signs of
welling in various areas of the body can indicate that circulation isn’t what it should
be. That is important because poor circulation can prevent blood from flowing to the
Blood will be taken to test for various types of medical problems. In most instances it
is only one tube that needs to be extracted from the body. This blood will be
transferred to a lab for evaluation. Within a couple of days your doctor will have
those results back to share with you.
If your questionnaire indicates that you may have some type of psychological
problem that affects your ability to get an erection it will be examined further. Your
doctor may want to ask you a series of questions that can help to identify if you need
to be referred for counseling. Once again you need to be very honest with your
answers to such questions. Otherwise the true cause of the erectile dysfunction may
not be discovered.
Some doctor’s will go as far as to have your erections at night monitored. This can
be done by a sexual partner or at a clinic. If you are able to get and maintain an
erection as you sleep then it does indicate physiological factors are at the root of the
problem. It will rule out a physical ability to get an erection.
It is your right to ask questions as you are being evaluated for erectile dysfunction.
If you don’t feel comfortable with what is taking place speak up. Have your doctor
explain what is taking place and why it is necessary. Too many men are intimidated
at the doctor’s office though and they don’t stand up for their needs.
By knowing what should be taking place with an erectile dysfunction evaluation you
will be more prepared for the process and ready with your questions. The process
isn’t painful and it can help you to get the right treatment you need in order to enjoy
sex again.